Updated to the opposition of the National Police, call 2023
Test Me In... Basic Scale is the version for the opposition of access to the National Police Force in Basic Scale of the multidisciplinary application Test Me In. The questions contained in Test me in..., except for the national police exams, are 100% original, updated and constantly reviewed, so they are verifiable and are subject to assistance from their creators in the application forum www. .testmein.com/index.php. There will be more and more free questions and more extension questions.
Test me in... is created and developed with the intention of examining and fixing the necessary knowledge, as well as increasing the user's ability to face the type of exam that will be found in the national police opposition.
It is presented to the user as a free download, with enough material to prove the efficiency and comfort of this great tool, making it available to those who need additional content at an adjusted price in order to increase the knowledge base and thus practice with a greater number of users. questions acquiring security when examining these oppositions.
The list of topics found in the application are:
National Police - Basic Scale
Subject 0 - English.
A) Legal Sciences
Topic 1 - The Law.
Topic 2 - Spanish Constitution I.
Topic 3 - Spanish Constitution II.
Topic 4 - European Union.
Subject 5 - General Administration of the State.
Topic 6 - Public Employees.
Topic 7 - Ministry of the Interior.
Topic 8 - The DGP.
Subject 9 - Law CC and FF of Security.
Topic 10 - Entry, free movement and residence.
Topic 11 - Offenses in the field of immigration.
Topic 12 - International protection.
Topic 13 - Private Security.
Topic 14 - Protection of critical infrastructures.
Topic 15 - Criminal Law.
Topic 16 - Criminal Procedure Law.
Topic 17 - Protection against Gender Violence.
Topic 18 - Introduction Occupational Risk Prevention
Topic 19 - Regulatory framework for the prevention of material risks
B) Social Sciences
Topic 20 - Human Rights.
Topic 21 - Globalization.
Topic 22 - Attitudes and social values.
Topic 23 - Socialization.
Topic 24 - Migratory movements.
Topic 25 - The city, population and social groups.
Topic 26 - Security
Topic 27 - Drug addiction
Topic 28 - Sustainable development.
Topic 29 - Spelling
C) Technical-Scientific Subjects
Topic 30 - Parts and functions of a computer.
Topic 31 - Microsoft Word Word Processor.
Topic 32 - Computer networks
Subject 33 - Computer crimes. cybercrime.
Topic 34 - Environment.
Topic 35 - Firearms.
Topic 36 - Priority vehicle
Topic 37 - Safety in driving Priority Vehicles
Topic 38 - Occupational Risk Prevention in Road Safety
Topic 39 - Planimetry.
Topic 40 - Accounting.
Topic 41 - Energy.
Exams Included
National Police - Basic Scale - Exam 2009 to Exam 2018
National Police - Executive Scale - Exam 2016 to Exam 2018
TMI Basic E. National Police is updated periodically to keep the opposition agenda always up to date and in accordance with the current situation, in addition new question packages are published. It is recommended to periodically check for the appearance of new versions.
In addition, technical and doubt support is provided by e-mail.
The application does not require an Internet connection, except for downloading and updating.